Last night I was helping a customer with an exchange. She came in with her bag and organized the items she was exchanging at my counter, replaced items to be returned at another counter back in her paper bag and proceded to let me make my suggestiions. After a quick eyeshadow lesson and discussions about eyeliner (i really love my job!!!) I went to the stock room to see if I had an eyeshadow in stock. When I came back she and my co-workers were looking for her bag with her other items. We searched everywhere and it was nowhere to be found. I called Loss Prevention and asked them to view the cameras to see what happened. It turns out someone walked away with her bag along with some tester items from our counter as well. The coolest part about my job is that there are essentially no rules except to provide excellent customer service. I was able to replace those items for her no problem and she was on her way. I know that because of this, I have gained a new customer along with restoring her faith in humanity. It makes me feel good to know that even though there is so much wrong in this world, it only takes a little kindness, understanding and stepping outside the box to make at least a small piece of it right.
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