MAC Update then two full days off. I'm feeling energized, refreshed and inspired. I did a whole lot of being domestic the past couple days. Cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking and hanging out with the daughter child and of course the husband as well. Two consecutive days were much needed for both my family and myself. I'm looking forward to hitting the ground running when I go in tomorrow night. I'm hoping to have the opportunity to really speak on some of the things I learned Monday, I'm just so inspired by the collections that I can't wait to get working on some face charts for them and show them to my customers.

I did a bit of a blog overhaul the past two days as well. I really wanted to design it before I published it initially but I suppose it will always be a work in progress no matter what I do. If anyone can tell me why my font code only works on my side bar, it would be appreciated ;P I'm still learning and trying to educate myself because any of you who know me, know I need another hobby like a hole in the head. I suppose that the more interesting I make this the more I will come back and want to post and work with it. So far, so good. I usually never make it past a week and look at me go!
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